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 Panel 2020      Features 



 -  Motor Loads

Enter the breaker size, circuit description, and a M to identify this load as a motor load.

Math Example (1-Phase)
 If the load is 12 amps at 208 volts
 ( 12A x 208V ) = 2,496 VA
 ( 2,496 VA ÷ 2 ) = 1,248 VA (on each leg)
Math Example (3- Phase)
 If the load is 18 amps at 208 volts
 ( 18A x 208V x 1.732 ) = 6,480 VA
 ( 6,480 VA ÷ 3 ) = 2,160 VA (on each leg)
Feature Menu

Panel Schedule Options

Feeder Options

Sub Panel Options

Transformer Options
Continuous Loads

 Motor Loads 

Receptacle Loads

Kitchen Loads

General Loads


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